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发布时间:2023-05-30      浏览量:


研究领域: 水泥基/非水泥基(超高性能)混凝土/高强钢/陶瓷/组合结构抗高温、爆炸、低速冲击、弹体高速侵彻性能分析与设计方法,有限元/无网格数值模拟,材料本构模型修改和二次开发


办公地点: 广州大学减震防灾与安全实验室604室

电子邮箱: jian.liu@gzhu.edu.cn

         Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=TAAZoNEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works

         ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jian-Liu-59


刘坚,1991年6月生。现任广州大学工程抗震研究中心防护工程研究室特聘副教授,硕士生导师。2018年12月博士毕业于澳大利亚悉尼科技大学土木与环境工程学院,获哲学博士(导师:Prof. Chengqing Wu),2019年1月至2019年8月任悉尼科技大学土木与环境工程学院Research assistant(合作导师:Prof. Chengqing Wu),2019年9月进入广州大学土木工程学院防护工程研究中心工作。长期从事水泥基/非水泥基(超高性能)混凝土/高强钢/陶瓷/组合结构抗高温、爆炸、低速冲击、弹体高速侵彻性能分析与设计方法,有限元/无网格数值模拟,材料本构模型修改和二次开发等方面的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,广州市基础与应用基础研究项目1项。任SCI期刊Buildings(JCR Q2)专刊“Performance Analysis and Design Method of Ultra-High Performance Concrete”特邀主编(guest editor),以及十余个知名SCI期刊审稿人。在材料和结构抗爆抗冲击领域国际知名SCI期刊已发表高水平学术论文34篇,其中第一/通讯作者20篇(ESI高被引1篇,JCR-Q1 15篇,JCR-Q2 5篇),Google Scholar总引用650余次,H指数17。


[1] Liu J (刘坚)*, Li J, Fang J, Su Y, Wu C*. Ultra-high performance concrete targets against high velocity projectile impact–a-state-of-the-art review. International Journal of Impact Engineering (JCR-Q1), 2022. 160: 104080. (ESI高被引)

[3] Liu J (刘坚)*, Wu C*, Li J, Liu Z, Xu S, Liu K, Su Y, Fang J, Chen G. Projectile impact resistance of fibre-reinforced geopolymer-based ultra-high performance concrete (G-UHPC). Construction and Building Materials (JCR-Q1), 2021. 290: 123189.

[2] Liu J (刘坚), Wu C*, Su Y, Li J, Shao R, Chen G, Liu Z. Experimental and numerical studies of ultra-high performance concrete targets against high-velocity projectile impacts. Engineering Structures (JCR-Q1), 2018. 173: 166-179.

[4] Liu J (刘坚)*, Wu C*, Liu Z, Li J, Xu S, Liu K, Su Y, Chen G. Investigations on the response of ceramic ball aggregated and steel fibre reinforced geopolymer-based ultra-high performance concrete (G-UHPC) to projectile penetration. Composite Structures (JCR-Q1), 2021. 255: 112983.

[5] Liu J (刘坚)*, Wu C*, Li J, Fang J, Su Y, Shao R. Ceramic balls protected ultra-high performance concrete structure against projectile impact–A numerical study. International Journal of Impact Engineering (JCR-Q1), 2019. 125: 143-162.

[6] Liu J (刘坚), Wu C*, Li J, Su Y, Shao R, Liu Z, Chen G, Experimental and numerical study of reactive powder concrete reinforced with steel wire mesh against projectile penetration. International Journal of Impact Engineering (JCR-Q1), 2017. 109: 131-149.

[7] Liu J (刘坚)*, Wu C*, Li J, Su Y, and Chen X, Numerical investigation of reactive powder concrete reinforced with steel wire mesh against high-velocity projectile penetration. Construction and Building Materials (JCR-Q1), 2018. 166: 855-872.

[8] Liu J (刘坚)*, Wu C, Chen X, Numerical study of ultra-high performance concrete under non-deformable projectile penetration. Construction and Building Materials (JCR-Q1), 2017. 135: 447-458.

[9] Liu J (刘坚), Li J, Fang J, Liu K*, Su Y, Wu C*. Investigation of ultra-high performance concrete slabs under contact explosions with a calibrated K&C model. Engineering Structures (JCR-Q1), 2022. 255: 113958.

[10] Liu J (刘坚)*, Peng Y, Xu S*, Yuan P, Qu K, Yu X, Hu F, Zhang W, Su Y. Investigation of geopolymer-based ultra-high performance concrete slabs against contact explosions. Construction and Building Materials (JCR-Q1), 2022. 315: 125727.

[11] Liu J (刘坚), Liu C, Xu S*, Li J, Fang J, Su Y, Wu C*. G-UHPC slabs strengthened with high toughness and lightweight energy absorption materials under contact explosions. Journal of Building Engineering (JCR-Q1), 2022. 50: 104138.

[12] Liu J (刘坚), Wu C*, Li C, Dong W, Su Y, Li J, Cui N, Zeng F, Dai L, Meng Q, Pang J. Blast testing of high performance geopolymer composite walls reinforced with steel wire mesh and aluminium foam. Construction and Building Materials (JCR-Q1), 2019. 197: 533-547.

[13] Liu J (刘坚), Liu C, Qu K*, Li J, Wu C*. Calibration of Holmquist Johnson Cook (HJC) model for projectile penetration of geopolymer-based ultra-high performance concrete (G-UHPC). Structures (JCR-Q2), 2022. 43: 149-163.

[14] Liu J (刘坚), He Z, Liu P, Wei J*, Li J, Wu C*. High-velocity projectile impact resistance of reinforced concrete slabs with ultra-high performance concrete strengthening-A numerical study. Structures (JCR-Q2), 2023. 52: 422-436).

[15] Xu S, Yang T, Wu P, Yang Y, Liu Z, Liu J (刘坚)*, Wu C. Effects of bond-slip on flexural behavior of reinforced nano-material modified UHPC beams: Experimental and numerical investigation. Composite Structures (JCR-Q1). 2023. 116793.

[16] Xu S, Yuan P, Liu J (刘坚)*, Pan Z, Liu Z, Su Y, Li J, Wu C*. Development and preliminary mix design of ultra-high-performance concrete based on geopolymer. Construction and Building Materials (JCR-Q1), 2021. 308: 125110.

[17] Liu K, Wu C*, Li X, Liu J (刘坚)*, Tao M, Fang J, Xu S. The influences of cooling regimes on fire resistance of ultra-high performance concrete under static-dynamic coupled loads. Journal of Building Engineering (JCR-Q1), 2021. 44: 103336.

[18] Liu K, Liu J (刘坚)*, Li J, Tao M, Wu C*. Experimental investigation of heating–cooling effects on the mechanical properties of geopolymer-based high performance concrete heated to elevated temperatures. Structures (JCR-Q2), 2023. 47: 735-747.

[19] Xu S*, Yuan P, Liu J (刘坚)*, Yu X, Hao Y, Hu F, Su Y. Experimental and numerical investigation of G-UHPC based novel multi-layer protective slabs under contact explosions. Engineering Failure Analysis (JCR-Q2), 2022. 142:106830.

[20] Liu C, Liu J (刘坚)*, Wei J*, Xu S, Su Y. Parametric study on contact explosion resistance of steel wire mesh reinforced geopolymer based ultra-high performance concrete slabs using calibrated continuous surface cap model. Buildings (JCR-Q2), 2022. 12(11): 2010.

[21] Liu K, Wu C*, Li X, Tao M, Li J, Liu J (刘坚), Xu S*. Fire damaged ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) under coupled axial static and impact loading. Cement and Concrete Composites (JCR-Q1), 2022. 126: 104340.

[22] Yuan P, Xu S*, Liu J (刘坚), Su Y, Wu C*. Experimental and numerical study of blast resistance of geopolymer based high performance concrete sandwich walls incorporated with metallic tube core. Engineering Structures (JCR-Q1), 2023. 278: 115505.

[23] Yuan P, Xiang H, Xu S*, Liu J (刘坚), Su Y, Qu K, Wu C*. Experimental and numerical study of steel wire mesh reinforced G-HPC slab protected by UHMWPE FRC under multiple blast loadings. Engineering Structures (JCR-Q1), 2023. 275: 115224.

[24] Yuan P, Xu S*, Liu J (刘坚), Su Y, Li J, Qu K, Liu C, Wu C*. Experimental investigation of G-HPC-based sandwich walls incorporated with metallic tube core under contact explosion. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (JCR-Q2), 2022. 22(4): 155.

[25] Liu K*, Wu C*, Li X, Li Q, Fang J, Liu J (刘坚). A modified HJC model for improved dynamic response of brittle materials under blasting loads. Computers and Geotechnics (JCR-Q1), 2020. 123: 103584.

[26] Peng Y*, Wu C, Li J, Liu J (刘坚), Liang X. Mesoscale analysis on ultra-high performance steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs under contact explosions. Composite Structures (JCR-Q1), 2019. 228: 111322.

[27] Meng Q*, Wu C*, Su Y, Li J, Liu J (刘坚), Pang J. Experimental and numerical investigation of blast resistant capacity of high performance geopolymer concrete panels. Composites Part B: Engineering (JCR-Q1), 2019. 171: 9-19.

[28] Meng Q*, Wu C*, Su Y, Li J, Liu J (刘坚), Pang J. A study of steel wire mesh reinforced high performance geopolymer concrete slabs under blast loading. Journal of cleaner production (JCR-Q1), 2019. 210: 1150-1163.

[29] Shao R, Wu C*, Su Y, Liu Z, Liu J (刘坚), Xu S. Numerical analysis on impact response of ultra-high strength concrete protected with composite materials against steel ogive-nosed projectile penetration. Composite Structures (JCR-Q1). 2019. 220: 861-74.

[30] Shao R, Wu C*, Su Y, Liu Z, Liu J (刘坚), Chen G, Xu S. Experimental and numerical investigations of penetration resistance of ultra-high strength concrete protected with ceramic balls subjected to projectile impact. Ceramics International (JCR-Q1), 2019. 45(6): 7961-7975.

[31] Shao R, Wu C*, Liu Z*, Su Y, Liu J (刘坚), Chen G, Xu S. Penetration resistance of ultra-high-strength concrete protected with layers of high-toughness and lightweight energy absorption materials. Composite Structures (JCR-Q1), 2018. 185: 807-820.

[32] Qu K, Wu C*, Liu J (刘坚), Yao Y*, Deng Y, Yi C. Ballistic performance of multi-layered aluminium and UHMWPE fibre laminate targets subjected to hypervelocity impact by tungsten alloy ball. Composite Structures (JCR-Q1), 2020. 253: 112785.

[33] Wei J, Li J*, Wu C*, Hao H, Liu J (刘坚). Experimental and numerical study on the impact resistance of ultra-high performance concrete strengthened RC beams. Engineering Structures (JCR-Q1), 2023. 277: 115474.

[34] Liu P, Liu J (刘坚), Bi J*. Experimental and theoretical study of dynamic mechanical behavior of concrete subjected to triaxial confining and impact loads. Journal of Building Engineering (JCR-Q1), 2023. 64: 105715.